International Conference
on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings

Chania, Greece
5, 6, 7 July 2017

Conference photos can be viewed .. here ..

Programme now available .. here ..

Following the success of earlier events in the series, SEB-17, the Ninth International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings took place in Chania, organised by the KES International and the Ecological Built Environment group from Cardiff School of Art & Design, at Cardiff Metropolitan University.

Presentations were given in areas including sustainable design and of buildings, neighbourhoods and cities (built and natural environment); optimisation and modelling techniques; smart energy systems for smart cities; green information communications technology; aswell as a broad range of solar, wind, wave and other renewable energy topics.

Best Paper Awards were given to the following presenters:

Dr Boris Ceranic, University of Derby for his paper 'A Novel Modular Design Approach to Thermal Capacity on Demand in a Rapid Deployment Building Solutions:Case Study of Smart-POD' co-authors Mr John Beardmore, Mr Adrian Cox

Gianluca Serale, Politecnico di Torino for his paper 'Ethic Issues for Monitoring sensor networks for energy efficiency in smart buildings: A case study' co-authors Ylenia Cascone, Maria Ferrara, Luigi Giovannini

The aim of the conference was to bring together researchers and government and industry professionals to discuss the future of energy in buildings, neighbourhoods and cities from a theoretical, practical, implementation and simulation perspective. The conference was a success and the opportunity to present, interact, and learn about the latest research in Sustainability in Energy and Buildings.

More details can be found on the General Tracks and Invited Sessions pages of the website.

Full papers will be reviewed by the IPC and if accepted and presented, they may be published after the conference in Elsevier's Energy Procedia (ISSN: 1876-6102) open access journal, available in ScienceDirect and submitted to be indexed/abstracted in Scopus, Engineering Information Compendex and other places, see .. here .. (to be confirmed).

The Australian Research Council Excellence for Research in Australia survey in 2010 (ERA2010) rated SEB as a Grade 'A' (top grade) conference.